Monday, January 18, 2010

The date is set

February 9th...that's the date when my world will drastically change. When I'll be taken out of the comforts of my home and jet off to a land unknown to me. The date when I'll say goodbye to so many familiar faces. The date when I will board a plane to Benin for 3 months.

I knew I would miss home, but I didn't know how much until this past week when trying to book flights on my own. As I cried in frustration, the reality hit me hard. There is so much that my parents do for me that I take for granted. And even if I see little of them during the week as a result of my busy/social schedule, I know they are always close by...just a phone call away. Even if it were possible to call home everyday from Benin, I know it wouldn't be healthy.

As I sat alone in the dark, a voice inside me said, It would be so much easier to stay in Halifax. Sure, it would be easier...but I know that I would be miserable for those 3 months and beyond. God has opened this door for me and amidst the fear of the unknown, I have peace. I know this what I'm supposed to be doing...

...the whole thing just feels a little more concrete when the plane tickets are confirmed.

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