Friday, September 9, 2011


Two weeks of Med II down, 36 left to go...not that I'm counting ;). This week was on the short side because of the Labour Day holiday but still full of fun and learning (*gasp* did I just use those two words in the same sentence?).

Throughout the week we usually start class in the afternoon which means I tend to "sleep in" (7am) and plod around the apartment in the mornings, eventually getting my act together an hour later. The only exception to this is Friday when we have lecture at 8:30am. Today was a bit of an experiment for my Friday schedule and it looked like this:

6:05 - alarm went off
6:20 - rolled out of bed
6:25 - checked & replied to emails/facebook/etc, read blogs, had Breakfast Part I
7:00 - gym workout...shoulders & abs day!
7:40 - Breakfast Part II, shower, made myself presentable to the outside world

Hellooooo Giant, Thick Berry Smoothie!

8:30 - class (2 hrs)
10:45 - 6 km run with classmates...we circled Citadel Hill!

11:45 - shower #2 (so sweaty!)
12:00 - ate lunch, reviewed for lab

I was HUNGRY!!!

1:30 - lab (head & neck anatomy!)
3:45 - headed home to spend the weekend with my fam

This schedule worked for me but I definitely should have gone to bed earlier last night! Last week's 90% focus did not have a comeback. I guess it serves me right for youtubing asian music videos with my roomies into the wee hours of the morning. :P

Hope you had a great Friday!


  1. Citadel hill looks BEAUTIFUL!
    I always like giving myself extra time in the morning before class, too, even if I don't have anything particular to get done during that time.

  2. It's one of my favourite places in Halifax. I always take for granted that I live in a historic city!
