Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just a (not so) typical grocery day!

Groceries have been on my mind lately...for good reason too! I was able to stop by the market over the weekend and picked up some fresh produce that made for a delicious salad yesterday, but my cupboards and fridge were still lacking some good staples.

"What are your staples?", you may ask. In general, you'll find the following at my apartment:
  • apples
  • greek yogurt
  • oatmeal
  • frozen fruit (for smoothies)
  • random veggies for salads
  • dark chocolate
  • soy milk or almond milk (just because I prefer the taste over cow's milk)
  • cottage cheese (perfect for protein pancakes)
  • peanut butter (it's an obsession...along with the dark chocolate).
In today's grocery run, I hit many of these staples. Some items I bought in excess because they were on sale (i.e. I don't normally buy 6 bags of baby carrots every week), while others I bought out of curiosity (such as the rice cakes...I've never bought them before!)
My loot! Note the greek yogurt tower. It was half price!
I usually go for at least 85% cocoa for my chocolate bars, however there was a $1.50 coupon for Nestle Noir chocolate. I wanted to put this bar to the test and see if the shape really affected my appreciation for the cocoa.
Great expectations...especially with that gold wrapper!
Nope...tasted like ordinary dark chocolate to me!
Don't get me wrong...I still will devour the whole chocolate bar, but having that extra curve in the chocolate didn't necessarily enhance my gustatory experience.

I guess I'll just have to eat a few more pieces of the chocolate to confirm my conclusion...please excuse me while I do so ;).


  1. Dang girl, you got a whole hoard of carrots! I wish my store would have awesome sales like that, I'm a carrot fanatic! Dark chocolate is the best! You should try Ghiradelli Twilight Delight, it's so good!

  2. Despite the dip, that picture just gave me a super chocolate craving!

  3. Bummer, that chocolate had my hopes up! Packaging is so tempting half of the time.

  4. Ooooh, I'll have to check out the Ghiradelli chocolate...that sounds incredible.

    And the Nestle chocolate is still good...just not extraordinary! haha.
